

    怀利企业 以 「关怀众利」 为企业目标,由创办人林贤隆 及友人创立于1967年〈民国56年〉3月。配合当时市场经济产业环境之发展趋势首先经营纺织用染料、助剂、特用化学品、中间体等,继而开发其他产业用资材及设备,进而开发环保工安设备器材、电子材料、及设备器材等之,进出口贸易、厂商代理、制造加工、及企业投资等业务,在相关业界建立相当卓着的信誉。

   怀利企业 一向以「诚信务实」的虚心态度,「和谐团结」 的优良传统,「勤奋创新」 地不断引进新观念、新科技、新信息、及新材料,且与往来厂商建立互信

互惠 「永续共荣」 的伙伴关系,四十多年来,先后与国内外厂商合作,建立代理经销关系,朝向 I T I 「智慧Intelligence、科技Technology、国际International」 企业集团迈进。

 为迎合客户对高科技及精密设备之专业需求,培育专业经营团队及技术服务团队,分设多家专业公司独立经营。如:怀谚科技股份有限公司、上海怀利环保设备有限公司、怀达利股份有限公司等。怀利人 将承袭 怀利  WIDE 「智慧Wisdom、创新Innovation、愉悦Delight、效率Efficiency」精神,与 「QR快速反应」的服务,为 「CS满足顾客」 的需要,及提高大众生活品质而继续努力,期望所有关心怀利企业的先进及朋友们,一本爱护雅意,继续鞭策,惠赐南针,实不胜铭感。

怀利企业     创办人    林 贤 隆 


WIDE-LEE, with “be concerned about people’s interests” as its corporate motto, was founded in March 1967 by Henry, H. L. Lin with his friends. To meet the developing trend of economic situation of the markets, we started business from textile chemicals: dyestuffs, auxiliaries, specialty chemicals and intermediates, and continued to develop business for other industrial materials and equipments. We have earned a good reputation by importing and exporting industrial materials, representing major international manufacturers, manufacturing and processing specialty products, and investing in corporations in the markets of electronics materials and equipments, environmental protection equipments and materials, health and safety products, and other industrial materials with equipments.
          WIDE-LEE always keeps a “faithful and pragmatic” attitude, maintains a “harmonious and united” corporate tradition, has been “diligent and innovative” in looking for new concepts, new technologies, new information, and new materials, and has established a mutually trustworthy and beneficial partnership with our clients toward the goal of “ever-lasting and mutual prosperity”. For over 40 years, we have worked with local and overseas manufacturers to establish many affiliated companies and business agencies, and have grown to become an “Intelligent, Technological, International” conglomerate.
          WIDE-LEE established new affiliated companies Wide Yen Corporation; Shanghai Widelee Environtec Co., Ltd. and Wide Lead Corporation, by new management group and hi-tech service group, to meet the customer’s demand for hi-tech and precision instrument.
          We continue to keep the WIDE spirit: “Wisdom, Innovation, Delight and Efficiency” and “Quick-Response” service, we will continue to promote “Customer Satisfaction” and high living quality for people. We would like to keep a close relationship with our clients and friends and grow together in the coming years. Deeply in our heart, we sincerely appreciate your continuous support.

                                                                                      WIDE-LEE  Founder  Henry, H. L. Li
WIDE-LEE COMPANY LIMITED   Henry, H. L. Lin   Chairman